Letter of Authorization

The undersigned hereby authorizes MCN to act on the Customer’s behalf to port the numbers listed below.

Please fill out the following information as it appears on the Customer Service Record (CSR) of the current carrier:

Please fill out the following information as it appears on the customer invoice with the current carrier:

This is the primary phone number on your bill with your current carrier. If you don't know what it is use your phone number.
Are you porting this number to MCN, or no if this numbers stays with your existing carrier.
If you are porting the main number and leaving numbers behind you can specifiy a new primary BTN.
A partial port means you are only porting some of the numbers on your account. If you are porting all your numbers or you only have one select no.
If you have questions or there is any special instructions we should know about your line, please put them here.

Sign with the mouse or your finger if you are are on a touch screen.

Sometimes we get bots that try to post to our form. It's a hassle for you and so we have to know if you are a human or a computer. If you are a bot, please select computer. Otherwise, let us know you are a real person.